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Stained Car Brands

Some car companies are praying that their recent shenanigans don't cause the people that buy their product to quit doing that. 

Many a misfire comes to mind -

General Motors - Amidst variety of cost savings strategies employed they chose to skimp on a vital organ called the Ignition Switch.  The one they put on several vehicles had the odd habit of shutting off during the course of travel resulting in collisions and the supplemental restraint not working.  Millions in damages was the outcome and loss of life to those that chose to drive one of these contraptions.

Toyota - The Prius Hybrid version of the car in some recent model years had a design flaw that caused the accelerator pedal to be stuck and it led to certain souls go crashing into stationary objects as if the vehicle had a life of its own.  Again the company ended up paying settlement to the bereaved and injured.

Volkswagen - Their product esp those that were diesel engine enabled, apparently failed to follow US EPA guidelines - aka cheating on their emission test -  leading to more pollutants being distributed in the American airspace.  And of those countries that purchased and used said vehicles.  Not quite deadly as the other examples but an embarrassment for Germany that led to high profile staff quitting their day jobs. 

In all these cases the stockholders and employees probably said a prayer or two to appease their gods to ensure the business survives to sell another day.

As far as desi public is concerned whether in India or abroad they tend to perform elaborate prayer services and have a priest chant a few coded lines in front of their newly bought vehicles, regardless of brand.  Whether on purchase of a new scooter, a car or a tractor.  Their hope is that among the pantheon of lords and goddesses someone assigned with vehicular oversight will ensure their vehicle and its beings are well cared for regardless of the engineering under the hood.

Now I happened on a new twist to this story.  Where the priest and the temples that perform said prayers  are also putting up bold disclaimers indicating that the colored powder and turmeric used in the appeasement of the vehicular safety lords might in fact ruin the paint job of their new German sedan.  You see paint protection is not guaranteed.

So BMW and Mercedes take note.  While you are evaluating your next set of best engineered cars in the world you might want to consult with the Vedic Advisors too and introduce a stain beating formula that will withstand the ravages of any temple inspired prayer service.

Best stain free cars in the world - literally and figuratively - now those will sell like hotcakes.


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