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Showing posts from April, 2010

May ka mahina (Month of May)

The title may sound vaguely polynesian to some but is again the use of the Hindi langugage expressed in the Queen's alphabet. The flipping of the calendar to the next month (MAY) brings 'Hope'. This for several reasons - 1. The month signifies to me that there 'may' now be a chance to get some stubbornly inert things done after all 2. Of course the weather is changing and getting warmer which signals variety of outdoor activity can now begin in earnest (i.e. hiking, sitting - in the sun that is, or just plain playing in the park with the offspring) 3. When school is out it also tends to reduce some effort on the parental coaching side and gives us parents a chance to recharge some batteries (if they have any cycles left) Basically the point is that MAY has a feel to it unlike say November or March (latter sounds like a terse command) or unlike TUESDAY as Newman (from the Seinfeld episode) once sagely observed.

State of Fear

Just read a pesudo fiction from Michael Crichton which highlights the challenge faced by modern man in any nation on earth; more so in the United States - the preponderence of media and marketing associated to incite fear amongst the citizenry. The book at times is repetitive in its plot and has the usual good guy escapades from serious calamity including getting eaten (as in kid stories) but drives a good point until the very end where apparently Mr. Crichton has disclosed his personal position on the 'state of affairs' and ends by stating that 'he for one has no agenda'. That I found hard to believe in its absolute since clearly the very notion of publishing the thoughts was motivated by monetary opportunity. None the less its not as outrageously disturbing or hilarious as Larry King interviewing guests about their marital situations and issues, or one of the Kardashian sisters attempting to rescue an animal. But back to the main idea in the 'Title' of the st...

All is Well!

Recently watched a Hindi (for those that speak only 1 language - this is an Indo Aryan language that evolved around the 10th century) pheelum (or cinematic production) called 'Three Idiots'. I liked this movie. It takes the viewer on a journey through the uniquely Indian drama of securing admission, putting oneself through and (trying to) graciously exit the world of an undergraduate degree program in the University system. The cast is made up of some veteran and not so mature actors of the Hindi filmdom but come together in a brilliant portrayal of the trials of an average student trying to find his way through a complex maze of varying expectations none of them their own. It depicts the various cast of characters one would encounter in a school of higher learning in India including the idiotic and the pedantic; the demure and the mature. This applies to both students and faculty both set in their own obstinate paradigms of what it is they are trying to achieve. While the dram...