Could pass of as a limited liability partnership of accountants or bail bondsmen in Kampala, Uganda with Messrs Kale (a person of Maharashtrian origin and therefore more cerebral) and Kombucha (the muscle) teaming up in a good guy, bad guy routine. But it is far from it. Kale pronounced as Kail is a green leafy vegetable that has had a resurgence in the American health market as a super nutrient with loads of vitamins that might do someone good. While a staple of some European diets in varying forms its recent entry as a superfood that can be consumed as a juice (assuming consumee has the right tools to juice a leaf) has drawn interest from a lot of yoga pant wearing crowd. Add Kombucha to this. This one is a mystery ingredient that is essentially a fermented goop arising from bacteria working on either tea or some form of seaweeds to produce what may be another cancer fighting wonder drug. These two K's are now the new killer breed of bottled wonders that has Am...
Among human crayons I am Brown. Also, my thoughts bounce around and resemble the idea of Brownian motion. This blog is an interface for the reader into this unique jello I call my mind. A mind so fertile anything grows. An agnostic yet curious mind. A mind attempting the Horatian or Kabirism maxim of Carpe Diem or Aaj kareso aab. Rated W I L D for wilfully irritating to large demographic is sometimes the latter - graphic in its descriptions. Caveat Lector!