Bill Bryson wrote another book. I just read it. On the whole - 3 out of 5 stars. While not quite as characteristically brisk and informative as the last few tomes he produced this one also takes on a slightly acerbic tone where he goes off on people for being stupid (sometimes deservedly) not all of which qualify. There are informative passages that allude to rise and fall of civilizations where Britain at one point circa late 19th century to early half of the 20th was the most prodigious inventor, birthplace of art and a happening place and saw this mantle slowly cede as other regions in the world moved up. The narrative is a loose smattering of his walks along an imaginary line he calls the Bryson line that connects the northernmost tip of the English island to its southernmost. He makes his usual witty observations of life in the villages and farms along the way and sniffs out interesting research like the grave of the guy for whom the tallest mountain in...
Among human crayons I am Brown. Also, my thoughts bounce around and resemble the idea of Brownian motion. This blog is an interface for the reader into this unique jello I call my mind. A mind so fertile anything grows. An agnostic yet curious mind. A mind attempting the Horatian or Kabirism maxim of Carpe Diem or Aaj kareso aab. Rated W I L D for wilfully irritating to large demographic is sometimes the latter - graphic in its descriptions. Caveat Lector!