In today’s crazy politically correct world with equality and liberty taking on dramatic hues it is hard enough with people telling us their gender without asking and what or how they like to be referred as. Now add Covid to the equation and you have people coming out announcing their viral affection which in turn is going viral. As an example an Australian actor announced he has covid. Now how is it news? And more importantly what am I supposed to do with this? I say be who you are and do what you will as long as you leave me out. Unless we are going to eat together or work together I really don’t care what you are doing or leaning. Lean in, come out, sleep on it.. just don’t tell me about it.
Among human crayons I am Brown. Also, my thoughts bounce around and resemble the idea of Brownian motion. This blog is an interface for the reader into this unique jello I call my mind. A mind so fertile anything grows. An agnostic yet curious mind. A mind attempting the Horatian or Kabirism maxim of Carpe Diem or Aaj kareso aab. Rated W I L D for wilfully irritating to large demographic is sometimes the latter - graphic in its descriptions. Caveat Lector!