My dentist chronicles alone can fill pages of a book. Below some thoughts I have when I visit with this profession. I need to. My addiction to things containing a complex carbon, hydrogen and oxygen compound commonly referred to as Sugar is the reason. That combined with a lifestyle that did not exactly pride itself in flossing and brushing twice a day. This was late 20th century Bombay. I am not sure which middle class kids knew what a floss was. Any rate the architecture shows signs of decay. Literally. Plaque - that layer of bacterium that develops absent a rigorous cleaning schedule dents into the protective hard shell called enamel. At least that is what this professional I visit wants me to believe. Apparently my alcohol consumption needs to go up I thought. After all it is a disinfectant no? I could swirl more as I gulp? I visit a new office (yeah that is what the profession calls their operations - dental office) here. ...
Among human crayons I am Brown. Also, my thoughts bounce around and resemble the idea of Brownian motion. This blog is an interface for the reader into this unique jello I call my mind. A mind so fertile anything grows. An agnostic yet curious mind. A mind attempting the Horatian or Kabirism maxim of Carpe Diem or Aaj kareso aab. Rated W I L D for wilfully irritating to large demographic is sometimes the latter - graphic in its descriptions. Caveat Lector!