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Showing posts from January, 2025

TikTok frenzy

 I did not know what TikTok was until very recently so one might argue this blog is biased. I say go ahead. So apparently the Chinese have started creating products so well that they control a global mindshare beyond your pantry and closet space. This means what you think (if you do) and where you look and what you might say or do; what you ultimately buy; when you sleep or wake, is ever so cleverly manipulated through code written by Chinese programmers.  Marketers (many of them from America and Europe and everywhere) pay big money to be on this channel called TikTok. Created by a 20 something engineer from China, the social media short video channel or platform as these things are called created a buzz instantly.  As of this writing it is claimed that half the American populace (approx. 170M have an account here). People clearly have a lot of spare time. I mean what with ordering pizza from your couch to zooming on pretend work calls what's a gal got to do? So with this...

From the fjords to the straits

 2024 has been a whirlwind of travel.  All good before time runs out. As in the passage of our being through this galaxy while the faculties still work. Each trip is a glimpse into human endeavor in different geos, and how it evolved with its local conditions and temperatures and political motivations. The beginning of the year was the trip to Cote d'Azur and new years day in Antibes, France.  What a gem of a place with its perch on the Mediterranean; a former haven for aristocrat and artistes and today a reminder to take life slow and savor sunsets. Night lights at the church Grasse perfumery in the hills Cannes on the coast That was then followed by a summer jaunt across the Atlantic this time to hit the northern fringes of Europe in Scandinavia. Oh what joy! As a train nerd it was especially fabulous with sights like no other from vast fjords to the mountainous regions of Norway.   A trip on the Fjords Flams Bana along the 20 km journey from Flam to top of th...