Watched a movie with this title last night. Its an oxymoron - simply complicated. I enjoyed it since it got me thinking about our life on this planet. Very little thinking ensues these days after watching a hollywood production and it is refreshing when one does. Although this is again a personal perspective I am sure there are times when there is a need to not have to think when spending couple of hours of time -- being zoned out can be good to your health.
So back to the Surrogates - it is borderline sci-fi, metaphysical but also makes you wonder if we are all merely puppets that are controlled from another planet (spatial location) by grand chess masters who are having a laugh at our expense.
After all what we think and believe are perspectives of our own species specific to a region or geography and mostly dictated by popular vote. But could this all be tailored and being watched like a hollywood production for the entertainment of another species? Reality show of all reality shows!
For all our plans and theories and ideas and silliness it could all very well be naught. Now I am not suggesting despair but curiosity. Slouching but wondering. Oddly also differing states of mind depending on ones perspective.
For those that may want to go and rent 'Surrogates' it features one of my favorite actor by the name of Bruce Willis - he is like Dev Anand (from the Bollywood club) - simply keeps going - with artificially altered facial (and perhaps other parts of anatomy) muscles and skin etc.. he still can entertain an audience.
Ving Rhames is the other odd ball in this flick and provides colorful support to the plot where people have decided to live a sheltered existence by allowing computerised likeness of them to roam the planet with no risk to their own being.
Alright that is all I had to say about that - now to find a good hike for the day!
Desi Pravasi
So back to the Surrogates - it is borderline sci-fi, metaphysical but also makes you wonder if we are all merely puppets that are controlled from another planet (spatial location) by grand chess masters who are having a laugh at our expense.
After all what we think and believe are perspectives of our own species specific to a region or geography and mostly dictated by popular vote. But could this all be tailored and being watched like a hollywood production for the entertainment of another species? Reality show of all reality shows!
For all our plans and theories and ideas and silliness it could all very well be naught. Now I am not suggesting despair but curiosity. Slouching but wondering. Oddly also differing states of mind depending on ones perspective.
For those that may want to go and rent 'Surrogates' it features one of my favorite actor by the name of Bruce Willis - he is like Dev Anand (from the Bollywood club) - simply keeps going - with artificially altered facial (and perhaps other parts of anatomy) muscles and skin etc.. he still can entertain an audience.
Ving Rhames is the other odd ball in this flick and provides colorful support to the plot where people have decided to live a sheltered existence by allowing computerised likeness of them to roam the planet with no risk to their own being.
Alright that is all I had to say about that - now to find a good hike for the day!
Desi Pravasi
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