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I am going to pontificate on the messaging mania that has enveloped the present day people. Specifically devices and channels designed to communicate with other fellow humans. At least, that is the purported theory.

These communique take variety of forms and are differentiated by the sender and their overt or covert intent to establish the same.

I will cite a few parties that attempt to promote the use of these channels and devices -

1. Manufacturers or their Marketing Partners of the said device or service - their objective is very simple - you 'need' to buy their product. Note that they 'NEED' you to - never mind what you think about the utility. Profits and happy shareholders is their primary objective. Making life simpler, better etc. for the users is a secondary consequence after the profitability portion of the equation has been addressed. This would apply from anything that ranges from peanuts to automobiles to digital cameras to music and video sharing devices to insurance to health care to gasoline to solar powered roofs. Of course if the product can tout some obscure health benefit and is found in a geography that an average American is unaware of it makes for even better campaigns. Acai berries and ginseng fall into the latter category.

2. Media outlets - Their primary objective seems to be to hire the largest Air Heads out there and use them to pump out any sort of marketing messages that would make headlines. Shouting and talking over each other are welcome characteristics of these individuals. Standing at various angles with makeup and being able to scream in what may appear to be temporary inclement weather or man made catastrophic situations (like a War, Riot, oil spill etc) are outstanding qualifications to participate. Everyone is trying to sell something so the outlets continue to profit never mind what mindless drivel is being shared. Again, the wise maxim - people are watching because its on TV rings true. Dedicated eyeballs is all these people are after. They do not want you to use your other faculties (i.e. the brain) to decipher and comprehend the applicability or relevance to your own life. The resounding success of shows that deal with so called 'REALITY' (never mind that they somehow think to show it on TV makes it more REAL than what you see on the STREET yourself) shows and all manners of contests including choosing a spouse(and we thought an arranged marriage in Asian economies was passe?) after 12 episodes of cat fights in front of millions of mindless eyeballs is proof (for intellectual discourse on the eventual culmination of two people in wedded arrangement - read my other blog called MATRIMONEY - talks about how successful said matrimonal compact may be in the future).

3. The Governments of all countries - Of the people, by the people and for the people in most democracies (apparently) are again the same people that are under the marketing spell of whoever has been able to shout the loudest or has the most power. How effective that type of legislation and governance is, would vary depending on the ratio of thinkers to followers in that government elected by its own people. Some wise person once told me that 'People get the government they deserve' is very true. If there is enough will to change the tide of things the tide shall be changed. Else we are doomed to face the consequence. 'Doom' mind you is also a relative concept, since those that are ignorant are sometimes in bliss.

All of these entities are now able to utilize the available channels of data dissemination to the consuming class. We now have mobile phones ubiquitous from NY, NY to Ulan Bator, Mongolia to the Papua islands. As a means of emergency communication a huge win for humanity but inherently susceptible to misuse in the form of advertising and promoting mystery berries to the planet's obese. The planet's obese are so for a variety of reasons and consuming roots and berries from remote outposts is not a panacea nor a root cause combatant. It may only serve to deplete the natural habitat of a hitherto content species.

Oddly each of these promoters that supposedly are also watching out for the underdog (read average consumer - which makes for a lot of canines) also continue to sue each other and promote rules and regs to contradict each others' claims. All of this makes for highly entertaining subject matter (if one has that mindset). Of late there has also been a preponderence of messaging trageted at males in the 40 plus bracket - having discovered a mass epidemic in male reproductive organs. All of these wonderful communication channels are rife with cures and solutions for the male libido and altering the shape of certain anatomical extermities. Have you noticed how these supposedly averge men who would otherwise have thought nothing of it and gone on to make coffee, or repair their bicycle or visited the loo are now consumed (or rather motivated to consume) with consuming the wonder drugs spewing out of the various manufacturing entities that are going to get them ecstatic (read government approved high)?

Variety of electronic channels like Twitter, Facebook etc also are competing for the ADD eyeballs leading to what I believe is a superficial society not truly understanding the long term consequences of their actions.

Thank you for reading the blog which also happens to be a culprit that allows organisms like self to pontificate and feel better.

Now time for a GIN.


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