These days its all about the next idevice. Have you noticed? No more Michaels or Angelos or Bernini or Picasso.
What is happening is all the marble is going to fancy gourmet kitchen counters and islands or foyers or bathrooms and there is no more left for scultping. Or is it that there is no more space left to sculpt?
I would highly encourage an enterprising soul to go to Australia, specifically the Null Arbor plain and find himself a rock to work on. There is space.
It is indeed amazing to see that people used to carve patiently or paint at leisure and produce works of art that we have to pay good money to go gape at when today there is simply no desire to pursue this hobby.
I mean there are some modernists who will crank out an occasional frame or a skyscraper or bridge but what happened to the relative preponderance of statues and fountains that used to crop up when Ceaser and Napolean were walking about?
Now more attention goes to sculpting your upper body or butt or those glutes or calves that you never knew you had using fancy large bottles of Krill oil or Vitamin E1 E2 and as yet unapproved but proven berry extract taken twice daily.
What is happening is all the marble is going to fancy gourmet kitchen counters and islands or foyers or bathrooms and there is no more left for scultping. Or is it that there is no more space left to sculpt?
I would highly encourage an enterprising soul to go to Australia, specifically the Null Arbor plain and find himself a rock to work on. There is space.
It is indeed amazing to see that people used to carve patiently or paint at leisure and produce works of art that we have to pay good money to go gape at when today there is simply no desire to pursue this hobby.
I mean there are some modernists who will crank out an occasional frame or a skyscraper or bridge but what happened to the relative preponderance of statues and fountains that used to crop up when Ceaser and Napolean were walking about?
Now more attention goes to sculpting your upper body or butt or those glutes or calves that you never knew you had using fancy large bottles of Krill oil or Vitamin E1 E2 and as yet unapproved but proven berry extract taken twice daily.
Selfies in general are more popular, yes, and given a chance, they (the made-up behinds) will be on facebook too, to make up for the lack of the likes of Picasso, or Leonardo.