It starts with a 'Hi'. That is a quintessential American greeting you will hear even if you are a relative newcomer or stranger in a casual or formal environment.
It makes you comfortable and part of the immediate surroundings - helps you feel welcome. It may or may not be sincere each time but it is an ice breaker.
Then there is the 'high five'. This is a groupie ritual that was spawned sometime during a game of some kind back in the seventies. People slapping their palms against each other usually held up high over their heads.
It is important to know the slang otherwise you may be found not welcome in the presence of all the palm slapping going on. Worse if you do it wrong you may get slapped on the wrong part of the anatomy. Not fun.
Getting High. This is quite the Osho - Bohemian - Hippie contribution to the states. This chemically (usually) induced state of being is observed by many an amateur and pro alike - pros often have access to and knowledge of altering their mental state on demand. Price of entry - can be your life.
Highlights - these can belong to a sport or any organized event that are watched after the fact. Some people also have decided that it can be part of your hairstyle and therefore a variety of chemicals are sold (to both sexes) to alter the look of their dos - Highlight for the hair.
Speaking of the Yang to this Hi Yin is the Lows.
There are quite a few to choose from.
Once the High wears off the chemically supported gentry often feels it - Low. This could lead to other subsequent lows - like Low Libido. There are other chemicals to deal with this dysfunction of course.
Lo and Behold - after said chemicals are used there are erratic highs and lows.
Lowlife - many aforementioned users are also described by those not using (chemicals) as a lowlife.
Low credit score - when you spend excessively on expensive chemicals (as listed above) you end up with poor spend management and therefore the credit rating dudes assign you a low score.
Life is not fair is it? Well - this low score could also further exacerbate the low libido.
I think at this point a Lori (nursery rhyme) to put the one feeling lo to sleep may be in order.
It makes you comfortable and part of the immediate surroundings - helps you feel welcome. It may or may not be sincere each time but it is an ice breaker.
Then there is the 'high five'. This is a groupie ritual that was spawned sometime during a game of some kind back in the seventies. People slapping their palms against each other usually held up high over their heads.
It is important to know the slang otherwise you may be found not welcome in the presence of all the palm slapping going on. Worse if you do it wrong you may get slapped on the wrong part of the anatomy. Not fun.
Getting High. This is quite the Osho - Bohemian - Hippie contribution to the states. This chemically (usually) induced state of being is observed by many an amateur and pro alike - pros often have access to and knowledge of altering their mental state on demand. Price of entry - can be your life.
Highlights - these can belong to a sport or any organized event that are watched after the fact. Some people also have decided that it can be part of your hairstyle and therefore a variety of chemicals are sold (to both sexes) to alter the look of their dos - Highlight for the hair.
Speaking of the Yang to this Hi Yin is the Lows.
There are quite a few to choose from.
Once the High wears off the chemically supported gentry often feels it - Low. This could lead to other subsequent lows - like Low Libido. There are other chemicals to deal with this dysfunction of course.
Lo and Behold - after said chemicals are used there are erratic highs and lows.
Lowlife - many aforementioned users are also described by those not using (chemicals) as a lowlife.
Low credit score - when you spend excessively on expensive chemicals (as listed above) you end up with poor spend management and therefore the credit rating dudes assign you a low score.
Life is not fair is it? Well - this low score could also further exacerbate the low libido.
I think at this point a Lori (nursery rhyme) to put the one feeling lo to sleep may be in order.
can't you be a middler - Bette you can.
ReplyDeleteif I get wind beneath my.....sure