As stupid people continue to populate this planet I still have not seen the below in my four decades of habitation on this rock -
- People walking their cats - on a leash.
- For that matter - walk their turtles or snakes or gerbils - not sure of this 'healthy dog discrimination'.
- People advertising food with extra high fructose corn syrup - for that matter it should be sold at a premium in specialty stores.
- Only homeless people showing up to the Oscars ceremony and staring at the host and awards being announced with no idea what is going on - oh and by the way they are all dressed in Armani and some unpronounceable designer garment.
- Photographers taking 'before' and 'after' picture of all attending homeless. Weight for weight the cloth content of their original rags vs. the thousands priced event garb would likely come out to be the same. Taking bets on the subject in Vegas.
- Oscar red carpet interviewing morons forgetting to wish passing award nominees to 'have a good time' causing a glum faced attendance from all attendees.
- If the real actors accept the award they take it and walk away with not even a single thank you. Instead they put their statue on Craigslist (a buy sell website) while walking off the stage. Actually that is not a stupid thought.
- Finally, dogs walking their owners on a leash with extra diapers tied on their back for when their owners decide to take an unplanned dump.
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