The other day my wandering eye saw this duck. So I took a picture. As in put it on tape. Well you know what I mean? Tape now replaced by zeroes and ones.
'Shot on iphone' as the manufacturer of this fruity device would call it. The amount of digitized information in the world today is growing at the rate of petabytes each day. PETA would not like that phrase I think.
Some might say I pinned this duck in the interest of sharing it. They call it Pinterest. Go figure.
It is a big figure. That idea alone is worth billions. Market valuation apparently. Marketers salivating. Capitalism at its crony best.
So you might be wondering how did a lowly duck picture end up becoming an icon for large money movements? Right - it quacks me up too.
'Shot on iphone' as the manufacturer of this fruity device would call it. The amount of digitized information in the world today is growing at the rate of petabytes each day. PETA would not like that phrase I think.
Some might say I pinned this duck in the interest of sharing it. They call it Pinterest. Go figure.
It is a big figure. That idea alone is worth billions. Market valuation apparently. Marketers salivating. Capitalism at its crony best.
So you might be wondering how did a lowly duck picture end up becoming an icon for large money movements? Right - it quacks me up too.
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