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Showing posts from July, 2019

In the end

Life is ephemeral.  We exist only to not.  A family member passed away recently.  It was after a few months battle with the scourge called cancer.  It was in hindsight the best outcome. This is a matter of perspective.  There was immense suffering in the form of chemo, hospital visits and pain and disruption to bowel movement to the point where the patient had to be helped to visit the restroom.  Could things have gone swimmingly different?  Perhaps.  But the reality of level of care and medicine available in urban India to an average person is at best dismal.  With something as critical as cancer and in the case of terminal variety it is appalling.  End of life is a subject that is written about by many a smart doctor in the business including Atul Gawande. In certain parts of India the reality is stark.  While discussing options like hospice etc. that may sound in theory to be a well thought idea, the physical infrastructure ...