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Showing posts from September, 2020

Gender and Genetics

 WE live in a fractured world no doubt. Progress of an organization or community or a country for that matter is measured not just in GDP and crime rates and carbon footprints and so on but performance indicators of KPI for social mobility. While the concept is endearing the execution sucks.  It is the desire of the wise women and men that we humans, all of us, be treated equal. By that it is an extrapolation of what the famous American President said in the late 1800s .. a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Again part romantic language and part interpretation the reality or the devil is in the details.  What exactly do we mean by that phrase?  What are the real world problems and more importantly solutions? Ensuring each of us has equal rights to do the pursuing of life and liberty is a good catch phrase but no one wants to admit that a whole bunch of us are just born lazy.  We are dumbass couch su...

Promises Baloney

 It is fascinating when people in corporate life and public servants make outlandish promises to sheep that they command or supposedly serve. California governor makes a public announcement to phase out gasoline powered vehicle sales by 2035. Really?  Genius?  How? Why? Never mind those questions.  He will obviously have moved on from his current job or worse be dead.  He does not care what he said in 2020.  Who would remember anyway? Covid is more front and center right now. See that is part of the charm offensive.  Say something outrageous and news bite worthy and rely on idiotic citizens to forget after the voting is done.  Clearly there are always distractions and memory is not what it used to be.  Besides with idiotic new distractions like the newest phone or fires or earthquakes who has time to dwell on who said what when. So go forth and set moronic goals that no one is likely to adhere to because there is no path to get there from her...

Battered by batteries

 The in thing in case you lived in rural Pennsylvania is electric.  As in electric mobility or battery operated cars and trucks or EV, short for Electric Vehicle.  As in I am never paying for gasoline again.  I am hip and I am green et al. To that end a business upstart created by a dude from South Africa took the EV business and turned it on its head.  Where no one thought this experiment would work he created some fancy automobiles that are the epitome of minimalist when you look at the interface between the vehicle and the passenger, and can operate after plugging into a 110 V outlet in your home. The product was branded after the famed inventor Nikola Tesla.  To be clear there are two upstarts one successful by Wall Street standards called Tesla.  That is the one that everyone in my neighborhood seems to like and then there is the truck maker called Nikola which is actually facing some heat from the same Street. Go figure. Nikola for his part is pr...

Keeping tabs

 As I age I keep an eye on my surroundings to see how I am doing relative to others in my community.  There are number of these septuagenarians that I see walking about at all times of the day near my house. Some are regular as clockwork.  Some walk alone while some with what I would assume is their significant other.  These appear to be of Indian heritage and hence the implied assumption that the said significance arises out of prior matrimony. They walk together or few feet apart with the patriarch normally 20 yards ahead and the spouse trying to catch up.  Nonetheless they show a briskness to their business of perambulating.  Their routine constitutional is a must. With the California wildfires there was ash in the air.  But some persisted.  With the covid hanging out with prior dibs on the atmosphere there was a requirement to don masks anyway.  So some came out regardless and kept walking. I for one am noticing the certain degradation of...

Topsy Turvy world

 Used to be when hair raising tales made the news headlines.  These days it is about Hair Cutting tales.  Especially when they involved the Speaker of the US House of Representatives. Nancy. This lady has her home in California.  And she grew sick of her hair.  So she went and got it cut or styled or whatever it is they do to women's hair so she can look 'Speaker-ish' on primetime TV. The barber or Salon or whatever outfit that did said styling apparently video taped the incident and put it online.  Boom.. we got ourselves a day time soap opera.  See the state Guv said no indoor hairy business allowed because we got covid spreading indoors. But Madam Speaker went ahead anyway?  She then defended and barber sued and then on and on and get the idea.. bunch of morons all. The Covid has also done more to expose the human condition that when faced with a real natural calamity of gigantic portions keep doing what is preached - fake it till you ma...