WE live in a fractured world no doubt. Progress of an organization or community or a country for that matter is measured not just in GDP and crime rates and carbon footprints and so on but performance indicators of KPI for social mobility. While the concept is endearing the execution sucks. It is the desire of the wise women and men that we humans, all of us, be treated equal. By that it is an extrapolation of what the famous American President said in the late 1800s .. a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Again part romantic language and part interpretation the reality or the devil is in the details. What exactly do we mean by that phrase? What are the real world problems and more importantly solutions? Ensuring each of us has equal rights to do the pursuing of life and liberty is a good catch phrase but no one wants to admit that a whole bunch of us are just born lazy. We are dumbass couch su...
Among human crayons I am Brown. Also, my thoughts bounce around and resemble the idea of Brownian motion. This blog is an interface for the reader into this unique jello I call my mind. A mind so fertile anything grows. An agnostic yet curious mind. A mind attempting the Horatian or Kabirism maxim of Carpe Diem or Aaj kareso aab. Rated W I L D for wilfully irritating to large demographic is sometimes the latter - graphic in its descriptions. Caveat Lector!