Used to be when hair raising tales made the news headlines. These days it is about Hair Cutting tales. Especially when they involved the Speaker of the US House of Representatives.
This lady has her home in California. And she grew sick of her hair. So she went and got it cut or styled or whatever it is they do to women's hair so she can look 'Speaker-ish' on primetime TV.
The barber or Salon or whatever outfit that did said styling apparently video taped the incident and put it online. Boom.. we got ourselves a day time soap opera. See the state Guv said no indoor hairy business allowed because we got covid spreading indoors.
But Madam Speaker went ahead anyway? She then defended and barber sued and then on and on and get the idea.. bunch of morons all.
The Covid has also done more to expose the human condition that when faced with a real natural calamity of gigantic portions keep doing what is preached - fake it till you make it. Except here the faking is causing utter chaos in an already chaotic world.
Johns Hopkins, an apparent authority on tracking covid positivity rates said - The problem with basing positivity rates on tests rather than people is that some individuals are tested more than once, and duplicative results from successive tests can skew the result.
Bottom line there is constant news stories of how every country and region on this planet is addressing the situation on the ground their own way and solving for it or attempting to.
No one really knows any answers. But they keep guessing and the media which is certifiably the most air headed clown here keeps publishing unproven narratives left and right.
People that wore all kinds of masks come Halloween are suddenly the ones rebelling about the idea of wearing them in September.
Fools that had no problem wasting toilet paper or TP as they like to call it by plastering people's home and trees, sometimes also on Halloween are now killing each other in grocery aisles to hoard it.
If this is not the bizarro world then what is?
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