With people beginning to get their Covid vaccines the American 'Centers for Disease Control' or CDC - who btw failed to control said disease, is relaxing their restrictive language.
Rather than prohibiting all travel or even urgent travel, it appears that people can now do all manners of unnecessary traveling if they are fully vaccinated.
Imagine that. Unnecessary travel.
When you think about it most of what we as humans do is unnecessary. Travel is top of the list. I guess this is going to open a large but necessary can of worms don't you think?
What is necessary? How do we know?
If necessity was the mother of invention what new inventions might we see if droves of these hitherto caged Americans (moi included) suddenly took to the roadways and airways? You may notice I did not include railways since that form of travel is not even considered a viable transport option by an average American.
I am not entirely sure how many American's even know what a train is since they do not live near one. To them it is not necessary.
So thinking about inventions - would we see self sanitizing vehicles for our germ free roaming pleasure? Perhaps auto sanitizing before they become otherwise autonomous and drive themselves without our distracted brains needing to be taxed?
Would there be remote medicine and remote fulfilment with drones dropping off critical shots if you get a seizure in the middle of the grand canyon?
Would we be able to go full biometric to identify people and their medical history; even more useful their condition, by simply scanning their retina rather than moronic file entries in a deadbeat doctor's office?
I wonder.
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