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 Bibliotecas.  Place where you go get books.  To read.  In print.

My readership (which is a small boat) will attest that I particularly like reading books in print.  Have been a fan since childhood except for the fact that my nearest half way decent library in Bombay was 30 miles away by train.  No matter.  I had access to it and was able to read quite a lot of material largely published by American authors.  LOL.  It helped that it was run by the United States Information Service back then.

Other reading came from a hole in the wall bookstore that my dad frequented.  Paperbacks yellowed with age gave a glimpse of the wild west as it is referred to in America.  Some thrillers and spy novels exposed the life in Europe circa WW II.

Other continents I knew not of other than a geography lesson.  Later it was with much pleasure I got to land on some.  But back to the importance of libraries and what might the future hold for them.

I see less and less traffic in these amazing temples of knowledge. That is not to say that there are fewer readers, although it would be interesting to find out empirically what the story is.

It is but fact of nature that as technology continues to evolve the newer generations have migrated to a digital channel for delivery of content.  I for one appreciate the advance of electrons and the myriad ways it helps me go do things.  But for sheer pleasure of discovering something new, non fiction and fiction alike I prefer the feel of paper on my fingers and the ability to see my progress in real time by the thickness of the book to the left compared to the right.

The sensory experience if that is what one can call it to me is what matters.  The smell of cologne or something putrid at times from the prior reader still trapped amidst a popular title's pages, to the rustle of the aging papers and the weight of the article in my hands gives me an unexplainable sense of partnership with the author as if it was written just for me.

Will these great institutions disappear with further advances in our technology and changing attitude?  Will local governments find it expensive to maintain the vast collection(s) of biodegradable mass stacked and curated and maintained in metal shelves?  Not to mention all the staff and building maintenance.

I for one sure hope that we continue this rich tradition to house the ever increasing content in some measure if nothing else than a disaster recovery plan if the world goes dark.


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