Humans have developed an ability to distinguish types of love. The way they might love an apple vs their spouse (unless the latter is the apple of their eye),or say their mother or their automobile varies. It does so betwixt the different items and also day by day for a specific item. Think the date night, then fast fwd 10 or more years and compare that to family dinners after work. Feel the love?
Then there is aspirations differing from the longing about a thing or person or place different from the form of love expressed for tangible and intangibles in the persons immediate sphere of influence.
What's going on I say? Surely makes for a wonderful profession to make some good moolah off of those that can't handle the truth and feel like they will lose it and can afford a few hours with the doc. A lot of industries including bollywood and Hollywood have minted fortunes catering to this ailment / human condition.
At the physiological level it is a complex chemical reaction occurring within the confines of the human ecosystem; different for each specimen. To think that this bizzare process if not channelled properly can also manifest itself in destructive ways as witnessed by the suicide bombings and destruction all over the planet makes one pause.
It is not the USP of a particular society or country and extremes of love are on display today as a testament. Think the Taj Mahal as an exorbitant display of love for a dead queen by her spouse to the bizzare castles the likes of which were constructed by William Randolph Hearst or the Ambani mansionapolis.
So the question at the fireplace 'was Cupid stupid'?
Then there is aspirations differing from the longing about a thing or person or place different from the form of love expressed for tangible and intangibles in the persons immediate sphere of influence.
What's going on I say? Surely makes for a wonderful profession to make some good moolah off of those that can't handle the truth and feel like they will lose it and can afford a few hours with the doc. A lot of industries including bollywood and Hollywood have minted fortunes catering to this ailment / human condition.
At the physiological level it is a complex chemical reaction occurring within the confines of the human ecosystem; different for each specimen. To think that this bizzare process if not channelled properly can also manifest itself in destructive ways as witnessed by the suicide bombings and destruction all over the planet makes one pause.
It is not the USP of a particular society or country and extremes of love are on display today as a testament. Think the Taj Mahal as an exorbitant display of love for a dead queen by her spouse to the bizzare castles the likes of which were constructed by William Randolph Hearst or the Ambani mansionapolis.
So the question at the fireplace 'was Cupid stupid'?
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