News cycle in America. Alert - all adults with a paycheck - your personal information has been hacked. Your birthday and your driver license info along with your physical whereabouts. And oh did we mention your Social Security Number.
An SSN is a unique nine digit identifier for all Americans that tracks their path from birth till expiration and serves as a way for credit monitors to collect and disseminate information to lenders about an individual's worth.
Worthiness as defined by whether or not to lend money to a certain someone. The entire country is built on the premise of a line of credit so much so that it is the lifeline.
Now the very foundation of the system has been shaken. Not by any quake or hurricane (there are those too) but by a cyberattack. At this point the already fantastical government that is crafting new rules faster than Apple can come up with new products is considering a brand new service.
A Social Insecurity Number. Scrap the older numbers and replace with a brand new 16 digit string known only to you. And the credit monitoring bureaus of course. Except now they will be re-branded as Debit Monitoring Service.
How much are you spending? When and how? These critical data points will be tracked and reported on with the help of the Insecurity Administration and sent as a report to all Americans.
This will be followed by a Happiness Index which will be an algo based, formulaic Emoji derived to represent your well being or lack thereof.
No more credit scores. America suddenly will be the most sought after destination - people who were mindlessly chasing goods will soon start realizing that their reports are too large with a massive SAD face with burn marks as their Score and in the worse case a SKULL mark (what with all those debits) and they will stop pursuing this way of life. The happiness score will soon start improving.
An SSN is a unique nine digit identifier for all Americans that tracks their path from birth till expiration and serves as a way for credit monitors to collect and disseminate information to lenders about an individual's worth.
Worthiness as defined by whether or not to lend money to a certain someone. The entire country is built on the premise of a line of credit so much so that it is the lifeline.
Now the very foundation of the system has been shaken. Not by any quake or hurricane (there are those too) but by a cyberattack. At this point the already fantastical government that is crafting new rules faster than Apple can come up with new products is considering a brand new service.
A Social Insecurity Number. Scrap the older numbers and replace with a brand new 16 digit string known only to you. And the credit monitoring bureaus of course. Except now they will be re-branded as Debit Monitoring Service.
How much are you spending? When and how? These critical data points will be tracked and reported on with the help of the Insecurity Administration and sent as a report to all Americans.
This will be followed by a Happiness Index which will be an algo based, formulaic Emoji derived to represent your well being or lack thereof.
No more credit scores. America suddenly will be the most sought after destination - people who were mindlessly chasing goods will soon start realizing that their reports are too large with a massive SAD face with burn marks as their Score and in the worse case a SKULL mark (what with all those debits) and they will stop pursuing this way of life. The happiness score will soon start improving.
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