What can you get for a $1,000 you ask?
Well 10 Benjis could fetch you -
Well 10 Benjis could fetch you -
- A month's rent in middle America - you can even live large in Tennessee in an apartment with a pool and tennis court or rent an entire house with 2 bedrooms in Alabama for a month.
- 300 gallons of milk (if you find a deal you can even get it as Organic - esp if milkee does not like the free preservatives and bug killers they give to the milker) which is a good beverage that can build strong bones and lead to a healthy lifestyle.
- 20 pairs of walking shoes (each pair reasonably good for walking at least 200 miles, which can reduce the incidence of a heart attack).
- If you wandered off into a developing country you could potentially live large for a few months and eat some amazing food and see amazing sights.
- OR you could buy a newest iPhone that can recognize your (tired) face to let you use your phone and see if you are healthy (now that you did not have the milk to drink or the shoes to walk and are still probably camped on that sidewalk you were on to get this phone in the first place).
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