Last time the Oscars got awarded the film 'Green Book' got best picture.
I have seen three of the six nominations. The above was one, then 'The Wife' played by Glenn Close. I must say I am not a fan of that actor but she was the best in this film. The film lacked momentum I felt and outside of some funny quips did not really keep me engaged. I found myself nodding off.
I am interested in the brand of mattress the husband and wife danced on, in the film on hearing of her husband's Nobel prize win. Someone who has a bad back largely in part due to never finding the right mattress to sleep on they seem to be having a gala time playing ring around the roses - twirling as grown ass adults on a bed with a mattress.
The last film was the most fun and funny. 'The Black k Klansman' was a sort of true story directed by Spike Lee. I am not sure who the actors were but one of the side kick was Adam Driver and he delivered in his role. As the title may suggest it was a white police officer impersonating a Klansman but performing under the advice of the only black cop in the Colorado Springs PD in the late 20th century. Race relations and cultural phobias are highlighted in the film and in the Spike Lee style the film tends to excite and provoke anger against the obvious and not so obvious biases we still harbor among us against our fellow beings.
I have seen three of the six nominations. The above was one, then 'The Wife' played by Glenn Close. I must say I am not a fan of that actor but she was the best in this film. The film lacked momentum I felt and outside of some funny quips did not really keep me engaged. I found myself nodding off.
I am interested in the brand of mattress the husband and wife danced on, in the film on hearing of her husband's Nobel prize win. Someone who has a bad back largely in part due to never finding the right mattress to sleep on they seem to be having a gala time playing ring around the roses - twirling as grown ass adults on a bed with a mattress.
The last film was the most fun and funny. 'The Black k Klansman' was a sort of true story directed by Spike Lee. I am not sure who the actors were but one of the side kick was Adam Driver and he delivered in his role. As the title may suggest it was a white police officer impersonating a Klansman but performing under the advice of the only black cop in the Colorado Springs PD in the late 20th century. Race relations and cultural phobias are highlighted in the film and in the Spike Lee style the film tends to excite and provoke anger against the obvious and not so obvious biases we still harbor among us against our fellow beings.
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