I got to thinking - you know idle mind and all.
How are sales of Corona beer these days? What with the Chinese malady being labeled coronavirus.
Is there a virus in the bottle baby? No crooner can make this shit up.
What can Mcafee do? Such questions come to mind. Is there any intel inside?
Coronavirus is just another genetic mutation that uncontrolled human growth begat for its brethren as it is wont to do time and again. Few of our species will die as yet another microorganism takes control for a period of time until human ingenuity quashes its spread. And the two football stadium sized hospitals that China is standing up in record time to house what it thinks will be thousands of patients.
Meantime people are freaking out. From global stocks to local clinics and chat groups the phrase has lit up emotion and runs to the clinic.
I was surprised to see an article actually claiming some of our species think that the virus is in fact related to the beer that is owned by Constellation brands. LOL. Top selling beer brands is now in jeopardy of having to rebuild its image from sunny beaches and semi nude volleyball playing girls that suddenly don't look so hot anymore.
If they do it's because they have the fever caused by the virus in the bottle. It takes the crown.
I got to thinking - you know idle mind and all.
How are sales of Corona beer these days? What with the Chinese malady being labeled coronavirus.
Is there a virus in the bottle baby? No crooner can make this shit up.
What can Mcafee do? Such questions come to mind. Is there any intel inside?
Coronavirus is just another genetic mutation that uncontrolled human growth begat for its brethren as it is wont to do time and again. Few of our species will die as yet another microorganism takes control for a period of time until human ingenuity quashes its spread. And the two football stadium sized hospitals that China is standing up in record time to house what it thinks will be thousands of patients.
Meantime people are freaking out. From global stocks to local clinics and chat groups the phrase has lit up emotion and runs to the clinic.
I was surprised to see an article actually claiming some of our species think that the virus is in fact related to the beer that is owned by Constellation brands. LOL. Top selling beer brands is now in jeopardy of having to rebuild its image from sunny beaches and semi nude volleyball playing girls that suddenly don't look so hot anymore.
If they do it's because they have the fever caused by the virus in the bottle. It takes the crown.
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