Why do we need them?
What is it that we need the Couric or the Sawyer or the Brokaw or Rather anyone to tell us what we can read for ourselves, or watch videos of with the narration in the background? And did you know how much they get paid? I understand the journalistic trait that brought them to this station and I do acknowledge that some of the stories are their own to tell, but to hog an entire hour or more on national prime time telly and tell everything other than their own stuff (like any fifth grader could) is to me - pushing it.
And what is it with them dressing up to deliver the so called News to us? (What is it with humans dressing up - period? But that can be another blog).
This gig is as antiquated as the dumb safety lecture before taking off in a plane. I mean many a joke has been attributed to this nonsensical procedure. Frankly it can simply be attributed to forced job creation.
Anyone reading this inane blog can feel free to cite a living example of where the stupid yellow cup or seat cushion saved lives in a crash (once the silly chap - what do they call a she chap? - I digress- got out of his bizarre contraption called the seat belt).
Same with the cost suck attached at the front end and check out gates at warehouse stores (some refer to them as CLUBS) like Costco.
The staff in the front end actually has a tag on their being called FRONT END. How derogatory I thought if there was its opposite on the receiving dock? Even Front End seems unhealthy in a store selling food as most of its SKUs (stock keeping units for those not in the retail biz).
These half wits (they are not the smartest tools in any shed - honestly - some are very jovial and kind but that is a different bucket of human capacity) are stationed to so called greet people coming in - but really they ask for your membership card - which in some cases to spite them I flaunt my competitor member card and walk in - or a JACK of CLUBS - and walk in - they just stare right thru you and keep staring.
Frankly there are a lot of so called Jobs on this planet that can be eliminated. A whole host of managers and consultants that (including yours truly) have spent time and money for or on behalf of their hiring agencies or clients (including the clients themselves) and have contributed very slightly to the overall good of the human race (enough with the racing).
Teachers and professors (I cannot remember more than a couple of them worth their salt) across school campuses on the planet; government employees that shun work like the plague; people in power (perhaps their flagrant violation of a lot of rules and morals not withstanding) etc...
I guess what I am trying to say is that as a species we could really do less with less and be happy for it. This coming from a guilty WAREHOUSE CLUB shopper is a testament to how insane the whole world is.
Why this whole drama? Are we all a TRUMAN BURBANK?
What is it that we need the Couric or the Sawyer or the Brokaw or Rather anyone to tell us what we can read for ourselves, or watch videos of with the narration in the background? And did you know how much they get paid? I understand the journalistic trait that brought them to this station and I do acknowledge that some of the stories are their own to tell, but to hog an entire hour or more on national prime time telly and tell everything other than their own stuff (like any fifth grader could) is to me - pushing it.
And what is it with them dressing up to deliver the so called News to us? (What is it with humans dressing up - period? But that can be another blog).
This gig is as antiquated as the dumb safety lecture before taking off in a plane. I mean many a joke has been attributed to this nonsensical procedure. Frankly it can simply be attributed to forced job creation.
Anyone reading this inane blog can feel free to cite a living example of where the stupid yellow cup or seat cushion saved lives in a crash (once the silly chap - what do they call a she chap? - I digress- got out of his bizarre contraption called the seat belt).
Same with the cost suck attached at the front end and check out gates at warehouse stores (some refer to them as CLUBS) like Costco.
The staff in the front end actually has a tag on their being called FRONT END. How derogatory I thought if there was its opposite on the receiving dock? Even Front End seems unhealthy in a store selling food as most of its SKUs (stock keeping units for those not in the retail biz).
These half wits (they are not the smartest tools in any shed - honestly - some are very jovial and kind but that is a different bucket of human capacity) are stationed to so called greet people coming in - but really they ask for your membership card - which in some cases to spite them I flaunt my competitor member card and walk in - or a JACK of CLUBS - and walk in - they just stare right thru you and keep staring.
Frankly there are a lot of so called Jobs on this planet that can be eliminated. A whole host of managers and consultants that (including yours truly) have spent time and money for or on behalf of their hiring agencies or clients (including the clients themselves) and have contributed very slightly to the overall good of the human race (enough with the racing).
Teachers and professors (I cannot remember more than a couple of them worth their salt) across school campuses on the planet; government employees that shun work like the plague; people in power (perhaps their flagrant violation of a lot of rules and morals not withstanding) etc...
I guess what I am trying to say is that as a species we could really do less with less and be happy for it. This coming from a guilty WAREHOUSE CLUB shopper is a testament to how insane the whole world is.
Why this whole drama? Are we all a TRUMAN BURBANK?
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