What is with Round Robin? Do Robins like round things? Or are they round?
Is there a roundabout way of going at this one?
Perhaps I am trying to fit a square peg in a round hole? Peronsally I prefer a dodecagon.
Holy cow - that is a smelly one - not sure of the holy part.
What about pentecostal ministries - were their trignometrists in the original clan? or was it in reference to multi coast congregation?
What happens if you hit someone rectangularly in the eye? Perhaps you could take out both eyes that way depending on your perspective.
Is there a roundabout way of going at this one?
Perhaps I am trying to fit a square peg in a round hole? Peronsally I prefer a dodecagon.
Holy cow - that is a smelly one - not sure of the holy part.
What about pentecostal ministries - were their trignometrists in the original clan? or was it in reference to multi coast congregation?
What happens if you hit someone rectangularly in the eye? Perhaps you could take out both eyes that way depending on your perspective.
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