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History of Chai

A rather stimulating documentary on the tube last night.  Or technically on cable.  Or cloud.  Or whatever it is that I pay for unbeknownst to me (what with autopay) and causes shows to show up in my recorded list.

Chai - the caffeine fix that I long for each morning - not the Folgers in my cup.  Far from it - in fact mine is named for a goat and tiger since the package says Wagh Bakri.   I vaguely knew that the origins of this wonder drug lay somewhere in the Orient.  Just not exactly.  So it turns out that Tea or Chai is the second most popular beverage in the world after water.

The beverage we know of as Chai or Tea (and some moronic brands in America also make it a point to call it Chai Tea) comes from the leaves of a shrub that grows in cool climes.  The shrub is called Camellia Sinensis (sure recipe for sinus trouble but it actually refers to - as from China (sino)).

Originally thought to have grown in the mountains of Southern China (in Guangxi) this evergreen shrub was discovered to have medicinal properties.  It soon became a casual beverage and was later discovered by the west in the 17th century.

British traders visiting the east found it very enjoyable and began importing it back to the kings court.  While originally a drink fit for royalty given its cost it was not until later 1800s that it became common for every man to have it as a beverage at the table.

Twinings of London was one of the first purveyors of this potion to the public and the tea houses of London became famous for their tea service.  High tea (or tea had at a high table) was a term that was coined to describe the early dinner service including tea in England.

Today outside of America it is a very common drink and enjoyed in varied forms from plain green tea in hot water (Japan, China et al) to mint tea (in northern Africa) to the famous masala chai that I personally enjoy (a mix of cardamom, ginger, sugar and milk added to a boiling fully oxidized loose leaf powder).

Tea bags as an idea was introduced in mid 20th century by Tetley of England is a brand now owned by Tata Tea of India.  Behind China, India is the second largest producer of tea leaves largely out of Assam.  Smallest producer would be Hawaii which produces small batches on the big island.

We also had the pleasure of enjoying Teh Tari in Malaysia and Singapore where the concoction is poured at a great speed through one container in to another forming a tar (or wire) - this allows the drink to cool from its superheated state also mixing in air to froth as it comes pouring into the final container from which to sip.

The version we also enjoyed in SE Asia was black brew added to condensed milk - giving it a thick sweet consistency.



  1. illuminating. There is no parallel to the joy given by a cuppa at the riight time. Even singla malt takes a backseat then!


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