When you visit a foreign land there are traditions and customs native to the people that may seem different from where you come from. Many develop over time, as a result of the choices available to the public and a need to simplify and codify standards that would be most efficient. Used to be when smoking was still fashionable and some restaurants or hotels would ask if you preferred 'smoking' or 'non'; same with food being served as Veg or Non Veg (specifically in India).
Here are a sampling of what I have encountered in the good ole USA -
Here are a sampling of what I have encountered in the good ole USA -
- Paper or Plastic - largely the phrase used by retail baggers (or cashiers) not so much for the form of payment tender (although it could apply in that case)
- 'For here' or 'To go' - Generally reserved for fast food purveyors this phrase used by your cashier tells them to pack your meal in a bag for the road or serve it on a tray to eat in house
- Ice or No Ice - Most dining establishments will ask for your preference of water (to be served with our without) unlike in Europe where it is 'Flat or Sparkling'
- Black or White - Political types constantly seem to be enamored with this subject in terms of race relations which after 250 years of becoming a democracy the country still seems confused about
- Republican or Democrat - Most of American history has seen a two party system governing the country without too many shades of opinion in between
- English or Spanish - a choice offered by some businesses on their IVR or phone support to allow non English speaking people access to receive customer service
- Aisle or Window - Ideally a plane ride should only have that choice (without a middle seat) but we all know that is not always the case
- Apple or Android - you got to have a gadget to exist in today's world
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