Produced by the BBC and AMC networks and directed by a Dane this is a miniseries made for television. It is an adaptation of a novel written by one John Le Carre. It is a quintessential British spy story in the vintage Le Carre style for quiet drama, lots of stealth and borders on Bond like encounters with sexy women and even a reference to a Martini or two.
The cast includes people I have never seen in any form of theater or cinema but are widely known as top of their game. Tom Hiddleston an Englishman plays the protagonist Jon Pine who is embedded inside the compound of an arms dealer played by Hugh Laurie. The latter apparently has been the most watched lead face on television. The man does have a way about him.
I enjoyed watching the two spar through the movie with the typical stiff English lips, as well as the photography that takes place across various exotic locales including the Swiss Alps, Istanbul, Morocco, Egypt, Spain and of course rainy London.
It is a two disc affair if you are into binge watching but the production is taut and engaging and I finished it at 2 am this morning after about 3.5 solid hours of non stop viewing.
The cast includes people I have never seen in any form of theater or cinema but are widely known as top of their game. Tom Hiddleston an Englishman plays the protagonist Jon Pine who is embedded inside the compound of an arms dealer played by Hugh Laurie. The latter apparently has been the most watched lead face on television. The man does have a way about him.
I enjoyed watching the two spar through the movie with the typical stiff English lips, as well as the photography that takes place across various exotic locales including the Swiss Alps, Istanbul, Morocco, Egypt, Spain and of course rainy London.
It is a two disc affair if you are into binge watching but the production is taut and engaging and I finished it at 2 am this morning after about 3.5 solid hours of non stop viewing.
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