A movie review is like asking if you like Durian. Or Ice Cream or Bacon. Very personal. In my opinion couple of films we watched this weekend fall in the bucket I will call stunningly stupid.
As in no redemption qualities whatsoever.
They cost me nothing. Borrowed from the public library. That was a plus. And one of the films had a mildly watchable Alicia Vikander. That film was titled 'Lara Cross Tomb Raider'. While some infantile curiosity made me pick up the film it did have an element of action that kept it somewhat watchable. Using the hackneyed trick of creating mythical oriental sounding names from an alphabet soup to depict long lost islands in the sea of Japan, to overusing CGI to a somewhat skimpily clad skinny woman running around falling debris the director was able to keep me watching the predictable ending.
The story lacks any originality or purpose and is stupid on many levels. I will not divulge all the nonsense save for an odd reference to the capital of Bihar used in the climax of the movie. Weird.
Then there was the husband directing his wife disaster called 'Life of the Party'. Again there was no other DVD in the checkout shelf that was relatively new and unwatched so I picked it up. Some older DVDs also come with unknown substance on its surface which makes them a biohazard I feel. So side note - always check the shiny surface for detritus.
It too lacked any meaning from beginning to end. The cast is either naturally vapid or acted it out well and had no trouble exhibiting that on screen. Melissa McCarthy is not funny and she reinforced that belief through out this monstrosity of 90 minutes. There was no message other than lot of college kids are essentially clueless and binge drink due to lack of imagination and waste their parents' money as part of growing up (physically).
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