As short forms go this is a new one to many folks.
So here is a little quiz. Can you identify what the short form P2P stands for?
1. Person to Person payment
2. Urination issue of some magnitude
3. Push up to Pin up
If you chose option 1 then you are right in that there is such a thing. But that will be the subject of a different blog if and when I want to pontificate on an academic topic.
For now the right answer is 3.
What the heck is a push up to pin up you ask? It is the rage in the desi crowds that surround us. Desi is slang for Indian born ex pat in America or anywhere but India.
Those living in America esp Bay Area of California are apparently inspired by a warehouse turned to fitness regimen practicing studio. Here people pay around $2,000 for a year to be pumped to get their muscles to burn calories and get into a shape different from the one they entered the cult with.
I say cult because most of these operations are. There is a herd mentality that affects the crowd and at times it does prove beneficial. There are also horror stories of when it does not work out but it is not in the interest of the operator to disclose these. People dance and do routines to variety of musical accompaniment a large number of them being Bollywood inspired music. I personally could not imagine my body gyrating to any music let alone amidst a sea of humanity with variety of odors and personalities.
To some it is a godsend. Somehow it transforms their attitude and outlook which is good thing if and when it works. It is however taxing not just monetarily but in terms of taking away from your family time etc.. which is a balancing act for each and everyone.
So here is a little quiz. Can you identify what the short form P2P stands for?
1. Person to Person payment
2. Urination issue of some magnitude
3. Push up to Pin up
If you chose option 1 then you are right in that there is such a thing. But that will be the subject of a different blog if and when I want to pontificate on an academic topic.
For now the right answer is 3.
What the heck is a push up to pin up you ask? It is the rage in the desi crowds that surround us. Desi is slang for Indian born ex pat in America or anywhere but India.
Those living in America esp Bay Area of California are apparently inspired by a warehouse turned to fitness regimen practicing studio. Here people pay around $2,000 for a year to be pumped to get their muscles to burn calories and get into a shape different from the one they entered the cult with.
I say cult because most of these operations are. There is a herd mentality that affects the crowd and at times it does prove beneficial. There are also horror stories of when it does not work out but it is not in the interest of the operator to disclose these. People dance and do routines to variety of musical accompaniment a large number of them being Bollywood inspired music. I personally could not imagine my body gyrating to any music let alone amidst a sea of humanity with variety of odors and personalities.
To some it is a godsend. Somehow it transforms their attitude and outlook which is good thing if and when it works. It is however taxing not just monetarily but in terms of taking away from your family time etc.. which is a balancing act for each and everyone.
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