What is with these short forms you ask? I will get to it. Off late I have noticed that strip malls and shopping complexes are leasing out new square footage focused on a few sure bets. This to appeal to the so called Gen Z folks ... whose mood today seems to crave the below. Add a few thousand boomers or folks with a healthy bank account and FOMO on snagging a cutie in their 7th inning, you have a recipe to profit.
- Fitness centers - with exotic names like Zoomba to Cross Fit to P2P to Soul cycle.
- Boba - From SE Asian chains to local moms and pops wanting to see the cash register ring before it all pops, these high margin, easily reproduced drinks are offering a new twist too - cream and butter on traditional tea and coffee..all the rage with some even touting salted butter and colorful toppings to the caffeine craving crowds.
- Salons -from toe to fingertip and everything in between you can cure (mani and pedi) or fix what ails you (physiotherapy) or find acupressure and puncture outlets to get the voodoo toxins out.
I therefore have decided to introduce a brand new revolution in managing your lifestyle. The idea came from watching an old couple in our neighborhood, always mute, walk almost crawling pace for hours on end. No matter what the weather, these septuagenarians will brave the elements and putting on their massive dark goggles and wool hats that drop to the ears will stroll the miles away.
I commend them for giving a metaphorical finger to the lulu and Nike crowds while perambulating when the mood or time suits them and enjoying fresh air and quiet. This mode of transport is basically moving from available open Sidewalk to a new Sidewalk.
Avoiding canine yanking owners or an occasional runner or cyclist on the wrong edge of the street they have nothing to deter them and it has become my mantra for solving the obesity problem. If I could simply do it with the cadence and period as these two old fogeys do I could actually begin to address the out of control girth I have managed to latch on to.
Thus enter S2S or 'Sidewalk to Sidewalk', a new age program for those with no ego and a singular focus to solve their wayward adipose growth. Cost to enter = Zero. Potential benefits = Priceless!
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