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Showing posts from August, 2020

Out of Quarantine

 This sounds like an Alistair Maclean novel.  For those that remember or know of the Scottish author who wrote some nail biting, suspenseful thrillers in the mid 1900s. Or maybe even a Robin Cook mystery. But of course it is nothing that exciting. I am referring to this scientific approach that was wisely designed but poorly deployed by world governments.  It involves locking up people for 14 days when they moved from one place to another during Covid pandemic. I know of many instances where this practice was brought to bear.  It is a result of how unprepared the world was to test for Covid and provide the outcome in under 24 hours.  They are collectively not there.  Not by a long shot. I think this is one of those situations where nature has kicked the arrogant Sapiens in its teeth once again and showed who is boss.  The cumulative hubris of nations was on display during the past 9 months and it has simply proven that while we invented sliced bread, p...

Pregnant Pepper and misc foodie ramblings

 California is one big barbeque this summer.  It happens every other summer I suppose.  Some point to global warming.  Apparently the planet hit 130 deg F this past week.  Highest temperature in recorded history or so the tall claim said. And it happened in Death Valley.  Not far from our home - a couple hundred miles.  The earth is going to do its thing.  It has not rumbled big time for which I am grateful.  That burp would split the state. Literally.  In recent memory the biggest quake we felt was a 5.0 I think.  The burning flora around us reached some 6,700 individual events statewide.  People are losing homes again.  All this amidst the raging covid cases. So we do take out food.  I like grilled meat so I grab something quick - in the namesake 'In n Out' burger.  To me it looked like I was the only one In.  Felt special.  All others staying out. Quiet as a tomb inside as folks prefer to sit in thei...

Fresh perspective on Baseball

Fresh is debatable but given it is my blog all adjective use is the prerogative of mua. So below is the said perspective (whose freshness is subject to the reader's frame of reference). Baseball - America's pastime. I identify it as a scam that benefits the enterprise that owns and operates a series of crowd driven events called games in a calendar (known  as 'a season') defined by aforementioned enterprise.  This enterprise is called MLB or major league baseball. Use of words like Major are used to lend themselves visibility and make it sound more important than what it is:  A scheme designed to fleece one of the below characters - hard working, gullible, simple minded folk,  crooked thinking, lazy and otherwise useless people with no logic of how to spend money,  those with unlimited sums who anyway will throw it at anything that looks like an organized event,  into spending their dough to attend an event called a baseball game.  This so called game ...

Knock knock - Dementia hear

 My last post postulated the onset of oldness.  On myself. Then I got to thinking - what with limited time to do that - thinking that is... when will that oldness condition translate to 'Dementia'. My best half has oft made innuendos that I am on the cusp.  But so far I have not heard that I have the full bodied version.  Of course my hearing is suspect but that is another matter. So then I decided I should jot down what I might use as a qualification criteria for onset of or complete dementia.  I will use footwear as a starting point.  Got to get out somewhere, somehow.   So before I head out if I was doing any of the below I would consider it as the early onset stage. 1. Wearing mismatched socks. 2. Wearing mismatched shoes. 3.  Wearing mismatched socks and shoes at the same time I step out. Further deterioration of faculties could lead to the below instance, which I am willing to consider as 'officially in dementia'. 1.   Wearing...