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Fresh perspective on Baseball

Fresh is debatable but given it is my blog all adjective use is the prerogative of mua.

So below is the said perspective (whose freshness is subject to the reader's frame of reference).

Baseball - America's pastime.

I identify it as a scam that benefits the enterprise that owns and operates a series of crowd driven events called games in a calendar (known  as 'a season') defined by aforementioned enterprise.  This enterprise is called MLB or major league baseball.

Use of words like Major are used to lend themselves visibility and make it sound more important than what it is:  A scheme designed to fleece one of the below characters -

  • hard working, gullible, simple minded folk, 
  • crooked thinking, lazy and otherwise useless people with no logic of how to spend money, 
  • those with unlimited sums who anyway will throw it at anything that looks like an organized event, 

into spending their dough to attend an event called a baseball game.  This so called game is essentially an event open for up to 60,000 of above referenced fleecable candidates to 

  • gather in a hard to access space, 
  • find their uncomfortable to sit (for even five min let alone the hours it demands to get through nine innings - another meaningless term - of what I shall describe as inane ball throwing activity) seat in an arena designed for this meaningless activity called the game, 
  • and then further spend on cardiac arrest causing food matter to be stuffed in their agitated faces all the while attempting to 
  • watch very very highly paid men standing on a green sector staring at a fixed point on the field, where one man throws a leather encased projectile at another man few feet away 
  • The so called field is a sector of a circle - about a third of it with a patch of red clay in one small corner and the rest being a manicured green lawn.
  • The man on the receiving end of the projectile stands on this clay portion and has been equipped with a machined piece of wood or metal that can be swung in an effort to hit said projectile
  • Idea is that the projectile using laws of physics changes course and begins traveling in a trajectory ideally away from above mentioned men.
  • This process if one is lucky repeats itself in a series of short events that are fabricated into another meaningless event called 'inning'.  There are nine such sub events that make a game.
  • This is all there is to the so called game.
  • There are many meaningless rules (so called again to make this event sound important) that define when the hitter can start running etc.  
  • In fact there are two or three other clowns in different colored clothing (than the other people on the field) to decide what is legal and what is not and are called umpires and coaches.  I am not entirely sure of all that they are expected to do to keep this entertainment going but again seems like an easy gig designed to lend credibility to the whole enterprise.
  • Yet millions will attend across the country (or were doing it before man or a woman discovered a new virus) and spend millions of their American printed money to be part of this extravaganza.
  • The people (highly paid as I mentioned) are called players.  They belong to a team.  They wear multi colored clothing with brands (aka uniforms) representing their team aka owners who pay them these insane gobs of cash for attending these events.
  • The field is occupied by two types of uniforms.  One is a host team and the other is a visitor team.
  • They each get turns at being the projectile throwers (pitcher) and the batter (the hitter).  Most of the others during the course of defined turns are either just chewing on gum, tobacco, sunflower seeds or some other nasty substance including their own phlegm which according to the MLB rules has to be spit out as a projectile on the field every 3 minutes.  They are basically getting paid to just stare out and spit.
  • Remember our morons in the seats?  The collective seating arrangement is called the stands.  Perhaps ironically the seating is so uncomfortable that one would rather reduce their misery by standing.
  • Those seats are sold for many many dollars to those attending.  
  • Some of the (actually most) attendees will further find ways to part with their money by indulging in other marketing activity aimed at them.  Buying costly, aerated, stinky water aka beer in unwieldy containers.  Buying and wearing branded and similarly colored merchandise with other people's names on them.  Further buying anything like a banana peel or bottled phlegm from a player with the team name on it.  Not quite but you get the idea.

So the point of this insightful perspective is to help awaken some of the readership if they find themselves succumbing  to the lure of the marketing out there and perhaps use that money on something more meaningful in their life like going to watch a game of basketball... LOL


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