English has adopted some strange expressions which make no sense today. I mean even when Trump takes experimental pills that are in design stage to demonstrate he is head and shoulder above Evel Knievel his doctors think he is not out of the woods yet.
When was he in the woods I ask? He was at Walter Reed Hospital, named for a Army Surgeon from early 1900s. It is best in class care - I mean there were only 20 or so white coats at the press conference when he left the White House. How many more were there at Walter Reed?
Clearly nowhere near the woods.
America is deemed to be in the woods at this time due to lack of transparency from its President. I think that makes it tricky. Millions of us in the woods. Someone shoots something, anyone could get hit. Hard to tell in the woods.
I guess the cities we inhabit are the metaphorical woods. After all lot of people are shooting at something and that something happens to be other people.
So how does one get out of these proverbial woods? Perhaps we need to phone Woody Allen. He might have an Allen Key to unlock the secret.
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