I do not mean in places like India or Indonesia. There it will take more than a mild pandemic to knock off sizeable chunks of humanity to have a dent on human density. I am talking about venues or areas where you would assume people gathered voluntarily or not.
Take traffic. The much maligned idea in developed cities anywhere in the world. Or on the highways that bring this mass of vehicular flow into them. Humans evolved to create it. Too many people want to arrive or leave certain locales by their own choosing. Going to work or home or to play. Traffic everywhere.
Or movies or plays or stadia or concerts. Take any instance where we would normally choose to gather in quantities and have a go at whatever the going was meant for. Covid has put it in perspective. It could be a good thing.
Most of the human movement in the post industrial world to me has been meaningless for the most part. A marketing machine gone crazy wanting to drive commerce through herd mentality. Remember wanting a cold beer (overpriced fizz) along with a hot dog (aggregated meats of unknown or dubious origin) just because the guy in the seat next to you ordered it and it smelled good? Be it some ball game or a similar crowded venue. Same for team merchandise or what have you that people like to throng to get.
Now we are realizing that it may not have been worth it after all. Just the idea that some Greek letter variant of a deadly pathogen could jump and start swimming in your ariel track wreaking havoc on your anatomy is not a picnic.
Sweating sapiens in close proximity do not smell good either. Neither is it predictable what they may do at any given instance of excitement, good or bad. And then there is the traffic - getting in and out of anywhere.
Cinemas or other attractions like national parks and what were once quiet spots to reflect are all bearing the brunt of this. Cities like Rome and Venice saw peak tourism and many hated it.
So chapter 2.
Tokyo Olympics is the largest franchise to go audience free for all games. Watching streaming content is exponentially higher than before. Idea is now to stay home for the most part and indulge in one off adventures that are not too publicized. On occasion go and enjoy a meal with close friends or just revel in the solitude. I know the sell sell -its a Sale - crowd is not too happy.
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