American politics or just American culture or perhaps not even that - just human beings are erratic and arrogant. That is the conclusive message after Cuomo resigned as NY Governor.
Men mostly perhaps some women as well tend not to follow the maxim - keep your hands to yourself. Do not go around touching, feeling, caressing, groping or fondling anyone or anything that does not belong to you.
Just like museum art pieces oft preach to visitors - keep your hands off the exhibit.
But alas. Hubris and absolute power are two interlocked phenomena that go hand in hand in almost any form of industry or government. From the arts to media to political landscapes and sports arenas galore have we not yet got tired of the continuous harassments of another of our species (men and women)?
What drives this behavior? Is it simply lack of moral compass? Is it biology? Is it lack of education? Clearly there are lot of vectors one can expose and suggest that a trigger or tipping point lies somewhere in between.
But at the end of the day it comes down to is - ask yourself - do you think your action is without reproach? Can you think of a reason why your own conscience would ask you to reconsider your next step?
But of course most are so giddy with their own feeling of self-worth that they have long stopped asking any insightful questions.
The mighty have and will continue to fall.
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