Most people imagine a politician as someone who is pursuing it overtly. As in a member of some government whether local or federal. Siding with or authoring some arcane policy and making promises of some sort to placate a demographic he or she believes will ensure their continued success in retaining whatever mantle they hold.
Campaigns to boost coffers that ultimately get used to market their value to those that may be in doubt of their imagined prowess; to adverts to attack the opposition are all fair game.
But a politician is not just a person in public (dis)service. Rather they are all over and all around you. If you are a corporate type (cog in a large machine somewhere) you have no doubt seen these kind. At town halls or leadership forums or whatever other jargonified assembly that you might have witnessed.
They are C-level execs or middle management. They are always politicking their agenda to ensure they retain the value in the eyes of the beholder. And ideally the beholder population keeps growing. Promises are a staple of said forums that impress on the audience the bold manner in which this politician aka MD or CZO will shape the immediate future. Perhaps you may be a part of that imagined and not too distant reality if you would just put up with the wash cycle for now.
There are of course exceptions. But few and far amidst the cacophony that is mostly hot air. Managing a single person or 1,000 takes time and energy. So unless one is crystal about why they would want to help fellow man or woman, ideally selflessly the going is rocky at best.
One needs to be realistic in such environs and ensure you are able to see the path forward regardless of all this noise. Signal to noise or some such paradigm exists in engineering.
If you are lucky you will run into someone that spends more time solving a real problem rather than pontificating about their desire to do so.
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