It is time to report on some important eyelines (no need for a head to understand these) from the dormant diamond head - which may have activated since the recent 6.004555 quake -
- Police in Sonoma are groping in the dark for a new Groping Suspect after which they will sample some shaken not stirred (from the 6.00333 - latest USGS data has updated the metric as this blog goes to print) grape juice.
- Plane in fatal crash - plain and simple.
- Noah - Hollywood's newest answer to start and end of civilization (PS: clothing styles depicted are the new look from Italian designer Nakedo Shoestringi)
- Some schools in Los Angeles area are changing their school curriculum to include this edition of Genesis in second grade class (Noah is a must see movie and a must see ship of the year - with special Apple designed headphones to follow the mumbling)
- James Cameron took a vow of silence after hearing about Noah's ship as the must see version - since he thought he had the coolest ship when he designed one to go to the Mariana Trench. Now he has decided to retire there in the trenches so to speak. People in Ulan Bator did not catch this juicy story and a special edition of the Bator Bator times will be printed to cover this item for the locals.
- Toyota convinces Ameicans that it is a must buy event this weekend - to the point that if they did not do so there will be no more Toyota's sold in the US (this drives a surge in the dealerships resulting in traffic jams that shut down LA area freeways resulting in no sales people being able to reach their ships to sell more Toyotas). In Louisiana it has no impact.
- If you are reading this - the planet is going to be all right (this from the resident astrobugger) esp since this is the 666th blog in my blogging career.
what the devil..666?