The one hour dilemma beckons. This Nov 1 the stupid legislation that was enacted due to the actions of a very smart man called Ben Franklin will take effect again. Most of the American states will reset their clock at 2 am local time to essentially hold it for an entire hour (of actual time) and then start counting the passage of time after that hour has passed.
In reality I think it simply switches back to 2 am once it hits 3 am thereby giving snoozers an extra hour to lie in bed. The system does not work in one direction though and it snatches that extra hour back sometime in spring where the clock jumps ahead by an hour negating the youth gained in the fall season.
This idiocy is practiced in many civilized nations who believe that by so doing people will have an extra hour of daylight to be productive.
Recent news suggests that some liberals have taken offense with this practice claiming that it gives burglars an extra hour to do mischief. It also was reported that during this witching time there are more episodes of people waking up at night and unnecessarily flushing their toilets twice where once would have sufficed.
In rare circumstances people have been known to become schizophrenic on waking up and asking their loved ones what they were doing in the room. To this day there has been confusion over the fate of a number of hikers that went star gazing in the Arizona desert never to find their way back on a night that rest of America fell back.
In reality I think it simply switches back to 2 am once it hits 3 am thereby giving snoozers an extra hour to lie in bed. The system does not work in one direction though and it snatches that extra hour back sometime in spring where the clock jumps ahead by an hour negating the youth gained in the fall season.
This idiocy is practiced in many civilized nations who believe that by so doing people will have an extra hour of daylight to be productive.
Recent news suggests that some liberals have taken offense with this practice claiming that it gives burglars an extra hour to do mischief. It also was reported that during this witching time there are more episodes of people waking up at night and unnecessarily flushing their toilets twice where once would have sufficed.
In rare circumstances people have been known to become schizophrenic on waking up and asking their loved ones what they were doing in the room. To this day there has been confusion over the fate of a number of hikers that went star gazing in the Arizona desert never to find their way back on a night that rest of America fell back.
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