This morning with the winds changing direction it was finally good air quality to take a morning constitutional. So I did. And I took my camera with. Reason being that there is a certain park with flowering beds where a large contingent of west coast residers weighing in next to nothing inhabit. And when the warm sun is out they come flying out with speed and put on a dazzling display.
I present Anna's hummingbirds. This amazing animal can rotate its head up to 50 times a second as it shakes of pollen and can flap its wings even more times to maintain balance as it hovers like a helicopter in one place.
Morning Gossip |
Sucking nectar from the red blossoms all day they gain weight through the day and then go rest over night in the bushes surrounding these flowering plants. Ever protective of their young ones or eggs in a nest they can dive and attack if they fear another species approach their nesting site.
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