It is said one must focus on what one likes and have a positive outlook about life in general. I say its worth trying. In the spirit of that concept below I will share some of my simple joys that I can partake as I go through life.
These also tend to actually improve the quality of my life. In no particular order these are things I see, read or do. Food or Drink I consume or people I meet. I must say the latter is a relatively low percentage in attributing to quality of life but that's just me.
I am sure people can figure out a similar matrix for themselves and figure out how to boost the engagement with things that matter to them most. Perhaps we will all be happy that way!
Humor is a big part of my life and I seek it out in many ways - sometimes it just happens to be in your face when you least expect it...
While Bourdain is gone he left an amazing legacy behind. I thoroughly enjoyed watching him delve into a new frontier using a cuisine as a common language and learning about the people that simply called it food..
I have a sweet tooth and it goes a long way when finding a good wine to drink. Most likely it is a sweet wine made so by the amount of residual sugars in the beverage. The above picture is of a product from the Bordeaux region of France where a certain grape (called Sauvignon Blanc) rots due to a mold that affects it and yields some amazing elixir that words cannot describe. At least not in a way the so called connoisseurs try to with some meaningless banter of notes and viscosity and such... its about how it makes you feel after - divine.
Any interesting, quirky or simply geometrically pleasing architecture makes me happy. The above pedestrian bridge is at a University nearby over a creek that runs under it.
Nature knows best. While rains have arrived in California after a hot dry spell the season says its fall. As in Autumn. As in leaves fall down. Depending on the species of the plant in question these acquire some amazing hues and leave a dump on the floor underneath. This street on my way to work was a brilliant blast of color and made my day.
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