My wish came true.
The society is back to using plastics.
Lots of it.
First the ego filled arrogant ones in our species all across America decided to tell me and folks who share my disdain for all so called 'green initiatives' that are not thought out, to not use plastic.
So they decided to ban plastic grocery bags.
Then the straws in restaurants and QSR.
Next they kept at their charade to look important by banning it in all manners of packaging and the like.
Enter covid.
Now to drink with a mask on from a goofy childproof cup is a nightmare. Perhaps plastic (sturdy) straws will come back (with a hole in the mask allowing the drinkee to satiate their thirst).
Already stores are offering plastic bags at no fee to just get customers to not bring their own variety of germs (in cloth and other bags that who knows went where before).
Plastic dividers to prevent sneezes and coughs and all the germs in the hot air blowing from the orifices of these loud mouths from infecting the store staff or workers anywhere.
Yay for plastic - it is here to stay and divide the idiots from the non.
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