Americans love pets. Four legged creatures of various kinds are the norm. Non profits galore urging everyday citizens to adopt them as a pandemic took hold.
Your benevolence and altruism was being tickled. Find this creature a home. Et al.
Another way to look at it - House arrest for an organism that would rather live in the great outdoors. And do what the species was naturally designed to. Run amuck and hunt for their food.
Modern civilization turned that story to suit their greed. Companionship when the human version ditched older folks of the same species. A four legged toy to get through boredom and so on.
Feeding and captivating the clueless creature of limited intelligence into submission to jump and prance when the owner chose to. Children abusing it by riding one and who knows what.
Staring or barking at a vacuum cleaner or sliding on parquet floors is not what was in the grand design when these creatures came to be.
Now take the other story run to the hilt by this so called organic loving, gen Z crowd always watching for the suffering of fellow animal. Farm raised chickens or rabbits or pigs.
Versus the other option - factory made protein. Economics trumping the feelings of these lower tier critters.
Really? The end results are the same. OR did they conveniently forget that? No. Both chickens - whether sustainably raised in the open or those bred in highly mechanized factories end up on a plate. So if you are that chicken you are terminal no matter what. Tough?
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