I know its winter. I know you know it is. But that is not what I mean. I mean I am cold as opposed to I am HOT. As in the self adulation of a desperate kind. The kind that has been in our DNA from times of the Romans. Or is it the Greeks. Some mythical guy called Narcissus.
In the days of declaring genders and what not perhaps we humans need to add that moniker to our titles?
She/Her/Flaming Hot.
From spouses portraying their undying love or pretending to while they seek other entertainment people seem to plaster their social feeds with said adjectives of Hotness.
Now having an obese trending tone myself and no concept or interest of what hotness might mean I have to rely on those that self-proclaim this attribute to be clear in their descriptions.
Not to confuse with people running a temperature due to Covid. Or other reasons.
And what of it you ask? Well that is to be determined. What do people do with these other people's attributes? Ogle? Pine? Cringe?
Sad when you think about it.
Marketers stand to make millions. And we play right into their hands.
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