It is fitting to close out this name calling by discussing a person's last name. Specifically my newly found source of inspiration - the NFL. Readership may have noticed that I have started to randomly watch NFL games on TV. Channel clicking has only got me so far. I binged and I streamed and then gave up.
America's pastime - only next to shopping and eating. Football. An oblate spheroid made of cowskin being run and thrown by 20 large guys in helmets. Millions of dollars worth of pastime this.
But the idea to write about last name stemmed from my observation of the players' jerseys. You see the last name of the player is plastered on the backs along with a player number.
And I must say 95% of the last names were new to me. Never ever heard before. Not to mention hard to pronounce.
Marpeet (it means bashing in Indian lingo)
Butkus (no really?)
Kittle (not the candy)
you get the idea..
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