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Man Made Mumbo Jumbo

When you think about what humans have managed to build there are some clear winners and clear losers. Winner column could include things like Electricity, Airplanes, Bacon, Sliced Bread, Farming, Vaccines etc. Loser column would contain things like Governments, National Holidays, National Monuments, Politicians, Taxes, Country, Flag, Anthems, Federal Reserve, World Bank, Any religion and its associated paraphernalia like holidays, costumes, prayer books, prayer halls, et al. I submit the thesis that all man made form of control should be immediately abolished. We can start with world governments. Government as defined by those who constitute it in the form of politicians. These happen to be a species that will likely not find a calling in another profession although a case can be made that film stars and ex CEO or C types have made forays back and forth. As far as movie stars go I think they are idiots anyway (at least those that make said forays) and should be ignored. As to the C types I suspect the track record in either profession is not something to gloat about so we can ignore these losers also. What happens is that under the pretext of man made idea of democracy we are asked to choose the best idiot to run an organization made of the country's populace. These people are identified as a President or Prime Minister. As I said before a country is also a man made concept and therefore has no merit and crumbles the whole argument of a democracy. All this mumbo jumbo should ideally be replaced by private enterprise in all forms from a one man business to a large entity like say Boeing. The aircraft company should strive to be fully vertically integrated managing all aspects of air transport for cargo and human and other life. It should build planes, service them, own the airport and associated infrastructure to keep their hardware airborne. They can make a pure profit based decision to outsource work if they cannot staff everything. People can pay for their service in part or whole. Example - the company managing the food on a plane can sign contract with the airline as can the airport management company. Same with the radio towers and all the other man made stuff that you need to keep them planes flying. Everyone trades their service for another. Once you start introducing artificial constructs like local and state governments and then the associated nonsense of elections and parties (make that Pun intended) and radio and TV and other media channels to blab about it you get into murky waters. All this made up stuff can go and real and true private enterprise could solve any problem you throw at it. If it is national security - again a fake man made concept - since there is no nation in my plan there is no concept of national security - you basically have to define a territory owned by another private enterprise and then pay someone to get in or move about. If you force your way in you get shot. End of story. There should only be a planet wide charter that states some simple rules. Do not steal. Do not destroy what is not yours (land, physical property, people someone cares about) Sign a contract before embarking on any deal - spell out what you want and do not want. Do away with fake ideas like marriage and households. Its time has come and gone. Everything works on a contract and there is a large database that tracks all the deals. Break the deal and pay the penalty. No exceptions. Want to go to one part of the planet. Go online and look up what that part looks like and look up the deal that allows you to visit there. Pay the needed fee to the enterprise that controls that area and off you go. Visas and passports and other similar nonsense can end right there. Each and every one on the planet will be forced to put their best effort to get credibility to do a task of their choosing. Education as we know it will change in look and feel. Right now we are all put through a meat grinder that spits out basically similar thinking output. If we switch to a new model designed by private enterprise that enterprise will at the outset ask for individuals to test and learn and a parent like figure (remember that there are no rules that are not in the contract and parent is also an outdated concept) can then steer the young individual to be a thinker and not merely a follower. People will get smarter sooner and carve out meaningful thought that will enhance quality of life for the planet.


  1. Damn good thought..towards anarchy in the short run, but good.


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