A fast paced, crime thriller with a powerful cast largely focused on one woman who is the protagonist of the film. Molly, played by Jessica Chastain is shown as a one time Olympic ski team hopeful embroiled in the fast paced and drug laced world of running high stakes Poker games.
While the screenplay is loosely based on the real life story of Molly Bloom the film is fluid and engaging with a staccato rhythm. Jessica's one woman show is supported wonderfully by British actor Idris Alba playing her attorney and cameo from Kevin Costner as her demanding dad.
What starts out as a promising career arc for the young Molly capable of skiing downhill with superlative grace and making it on the Olympic stage ends in a tragedy on the slope that puts her out of commission for a while. A possible career in law is put on hold as she moves west to Los Angeles in what she describes was a change in scenery and be in warm weather.
Trying to find a source of income she ends up being a gopher for some dude in the valley that also happens to run secret poker games in dingy basements for some of the elite who prefer to remain anonymous. One thing leads to another and she gets fired from her job where she is taking in good money, mostly in tips. Smart as a whip and intensely hungry to prove herself she pulls off an amazing feat when she invites some of the same players her former boss introduced her to but in a high end hotel complete with top shelf food and drink.
The players are amazed and secretly in love with this hotshot girl who can provide for their every need to gamble and stoke their ego while keeping it clean - meaning no funny business when on property. Eventually the game attracts serious cash from the mafia who loves to throw money around but it also becomes her downfall. The FBI on the trail of the mafia and with insider tips raids her home and arrests her for conducting an illegal gaming operation.
She ends up hiring Idris's character to defend her in court. The latter part of the film is Molly trying to present her last act of being audacious but honest and sensitive to what personal information she can reveal about her customers while trying to get out of the legal axe about to fall. Directed by Aaron Sorkin the film is very much in keeping with his rapid fire dialogue style and keeps you rooting for Molly.
Good watch.
While the screenplay is loosely based on the real life story of Molly Bloom the film is fluid and engaging with a staccato rhythm. Jessica's one woman show is supported wonderfully by British actor Idris Alba playing her attorney and cameo from Kevin Costner as her demanding dad.
What starts out as a promising career arc for the young Molly capable of skiing downhill with superlative grace and making it on the Olympic stage ends in a tragedy on the slope that puts her out of commission for a while. A possible career in law is put on hold as she moves west to Los Angeles in what she describes was a change in scenery and be in warm weather.
Trying to find a source of income she ends up being a gopher for some dude in the valley that also happens to run secret poker games in dingy basements for some of the elite who prefer to remain anonymous. One thing leads to another and she gets fired from her job where she is taking in good money, mostly in tips. Smart as a whip and intensely hungry to prove herself she pulls off an amazing feat when she invites some of the same players her former boss introduced her to but in a high end hotel complete with top shelf food and drink.
The players are amazed and secretly in love with this hotshot girl who can provide for their every need to gamble and stoke their ego while keeping it clean - meaning no funny business when on property. Eventually the game attracts serious cash from the mafia who loves to throw money around but it also becomes her downfall. The FBI on the trail of the mafia and with insider tips raids her home and arrests her for conducting an illegal gaming operation.
She ends up hiring Idris's character to defend her in court. The latter part of the film is Molly trying to present her last act of being audacious but honest and sensitive to what personal information she can reveal about her customers while trying to get out of the legal axe about to fall. Directed by Aaron Sorkin the film is very much in keeping with his rapid fire dialogue style and keeps you rooting for Molly.
Good watch.
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