Humans are peculiar species. They will not stop to kill their own kind yet be sentimental to assign and celebrate certain positions of the earth relative to the sun as hours of remembrance. Remembrance of certain others of their kind. On the point of avoiding being killed these days the visitor spaces around the world's monuments are being covered with bullet proof glass. We will all be wandering in glass bubbles now.
Everything from secretaries to blood line based relations like Father, Mother, to the planet itself (aka Earth Day) as well as revered leaders like Gandhi, MLK, to intangible fabrications like lords, religious deities are assigned a particular day of the year as their day.
Most of these events are carefully crafted by the capitalist regimes of the world in order to further their agenda of addressing increased revenue to their shareholders. Nothing wrong with that. After all everyone has an angle.
That said to me this whole fabric of society provides endless hours of sociological experiments everyday, every waking moment. People like to draw attention to themselves for the most part. Someone takes the initiative of organizing around a theme that seems to resonate with majority that is looking for a break to make themselves visible.
Enter Valentine's day. Or Father's day. Or Facebook day. Wait there is no such thing. Maybe there ought to be?
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