Human. Facetious you say? Hardly. The San Francisco Mayor and newly elected at that admits she ain't seen so much shit. Literally.
Not to mention the political BS that brought the city to this state. This post prandial and literal accumulation in a once upon a time gold rush town has turned into a golden poopalooza for the world to see.
I myself encountered this residue from someone's bladder walking into our offices in a tony neighborhood in the city. So gentry or not its one big toilet for all.
SF needs to have woken up long ago and not wait for the mayoral reaction to this epidemic. I guess the irony is that it is now starting to look like Mumbai - which until now could be contending for the shit capital of the world.... blocks from some of the priciest real estate. But on both counts I want to bestow the title on the city by the bay.
All those apps and not one for that? Where are all those people who code?
Time to clean up?
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