There are weekends when the only sensible thing to do is binge. Both with food and movies. We did just that. The weather outside was dense with soot from fires burning north of us. No point in being out. Other than to get some movies and food and hibernate. Or technically estivate. People often confuse these terms. The going to ground during hot spells is Estivate. Got that?
Now - we watched a bunch of films over the two days and I must say the hit rate of decent to great was high. Some were Swedish in origin. Some were regular Hollywood.
Of the west coast product one stood out called 'Norman'. It was a disc I picked up after looking at the cast. I could make out one name - Richard Gere. Talk about using star power to move merchandise. This did it. And it was actually quite entertaining. Director is Israeli guy that I have never heard of. Cast is partly Israeli as well and that is good because big part of the story revolves around a lot of Jews and their place in the commerce that is New York where the story unfolds.
It is the story where the protagonist Norman, played by Richard is a fixer. Someone that arranges for important meetings to happen. Does not have any skin in the game or any other role but to provide match making. To arrange complex transactions. The mafia had a consigliere or advisor and Norman is part that, part e-harmony.
He is magnanimous and generous with his only asset - time. Outside of being available to meet and setup meetings with people he has nothing going on. That and his passion for Mike and Ike fruit candy. We discover he is also allergic to nuts. Perhaps that explains his indulgence when he is stressed. It is a story where you are not sure if you will root for this character out of pity or hate him for being obnoxiously intrusive into people's lives.
The climax is somewhat predictable but does keep the viewer engrossed till it ends.
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